In 2023, we thought it was time to finally launch a AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE, given to those cabin crew who go "above and beyond". We know each and every one does an incredible job - given the nature of some passengers - but to cope with that and still be calm, composed and friendly, shows true character.
The initial idea was just to say a quiet "thank you" to certain crew who really seemed to care and enjoy what they did, and in so doing improved our experience at the same time. So, it wasn't a given that this page would ever be created. However, after the wonderful feedback we have received, we have decided to publish details of the flights, if any awards were given out on them, and to whom. We have detailed all flights below to show those where these amazing cabin crew have been encountered - and that we don't just give them out to all we meet! |
Flight Date |
Flight No. |
Airport & Destination |
Award No. |
Awarded to |
24 Dec 2024 |
BA 2630 |
LGW to SZG |
None awarded |
-- |
31 Dec 2023 |
BA 2631 |
SZG to LGW |
1 |
Jennifer |
12 Jan 2023 |
BA 2574 |
LGW to NCE |
None awarded |
-- |
14 Jan 2024 |
BA 2575 |
NCE to LGW |
None awarded |
-- |
24 Feb 2024 |
BA 2650 |
LGW to SVQ |
2 3 |
Amelia Leah |
27 Feb 2024 |
BA 2651 |
SVQ to LGW |
4 |
Amy-Jo |
23 Mar 2024 |
BA 217 |
LHR to IAD |
None awarded |
-- |
16 Apr 2024 |
BA 222 |
BNA to LHR |
5 6 |
Olu Tilly |
21 Apr 2024 |
BA 2670 |
LGW to PMI |
None awarded |
- - |
24 Apr 2024 |
BA 2671 |
PMI to LGW |
7 |
Aimee |
15 May 2024 |
BA 2614 |
LGW to MLA |
8 |
Lauren |
20 May 2024 |
BA 2617 |
MLA to LGW |
None awarded |
- - |
13 Sep 2024 |
BA 2590 |
LGW to VRN |
None awarded |
- - |
17 Sep 2024 |
BA 2591 |
VRN to LGW |
9 |
Kacie |
19 Sep 2024 |
BA 2037 |
LGW to MCO |
10 11 12 |
Joe Claire Francesca |
28 Sep 2024 |
BA 2040 |
MCO to LGW |
None awarded |
- - |
29 Nov 2024 |
BA 7339 |
LCY to PRG |
13 14 |
David Michelle |
2 Dec 2024 |
BA 7338 |
PRG to LCY |
15 16 |
Alexis Katie |
12 Jan 2025 |
BA 2624 |
LGW to SZG |
None awarded |
- - |
16 Jan 2025 |
BA 2625 |
SZG to LGW |
None awarded |
- - |
5 Feb 2025 |
BA 207 |
17 |
Matthew |
15 Feb 2025 |
BA 206 |
18 19 |
Lola Tim |
A History of the Award
Back in time, a good few years Before Covid (BC), we were catching a flight to the UK (cannot remember where from), and somehow we ended up being the very first people up the steps and onto the plane. As we boarded, two friendly cabin crew greeted us and I commented that their peace and quiet was about to the shattered. I looked back down the steps, pointed and said to them, "Here come the bloody passengers" (we didn't count!). They found this more amusing than I thought they would, so clearly they enjoyed my humour! ;-).
During the journey, I thought it might be fun to continue the concept of what I had started. So, with a pen and a napkin, I drew the a rudimentary timeline of their existence over the course of a flight - and what they might do after all the passengers have gone! This formed the basis of the Certificate of Appreciation that is given out today, but back then, it was just something to help cheer the day along.
We were truly not aware how much such a seemingly small gesture was appreciated. After the laughter we heard emanating from the back of the plane, the two crew members who had greeted us on boarding come down the aisle with two small bottles of fizz to say a big thank you for making their day.
It wasn't until travel returned After Covid (AC), that an idea was formed to make this more of a thing. There was no telling how it would be received, but we just wanted to let deserving crew - by that we mean those who we think have gone out of their way to enhance our journey - know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we value and appreciate what they do.
During the journey, I thought it might be fun to continue the concept of what I had started. So, with a pen and a napkin, I drew the a rudimentary timeline of their existence over the course of a flight - and what they might do after all the passengers have gone! This formed the basis of the Certificate of Appreciation that is given out today, but back then, it was just something to help cheer the day along.
We were truly not aware how much such a seemingly small gesture was appreciated. After the laughter we heard emanating from the back of the plane, the two crew members who had greeted us on boarding come down the aisle with two small bottles of fizz to say a big thank you for making their day.
It wasn't until travel returned After Covid (AC), that an idea was formed to make this more of a thing. There was no telling how it would be received, but we just wanted to let deserving crew - by that we mean those who we think have gone out of their way to enhance our journey - know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we value and appreciate what they do.
Contact us about the Award